The Hidden Environmental Impact of Our Smartphones.

The Hidden Environmental Impact of Our Smartphones.

Checking emails, social media or the news; banking, making payments, taking photographs, finding our way; it is fair to say that we would be lost without our smartphones, perhaps literally. Oh, let’s not forget, our now indispensable devices also make calls. Essential...
Delivering Social Value Through Our Business Operations

Delivering Social Value Through Our Business Operations

We have become increasingly aware of economic, social and environmental issues. Our renewed sense of community, which naturally came into focus during Government lockdowns, furthered the opportunity for ethical businesses to drive social impact, rather than simply be...
Navigating the Subjectivity of Refurbished IT Devices

Navigating the Subjectivity of Refurbished IT Devices

Reconditioned, renewed, pre-owned… as there are no hard and fast definitions of what the phrase ‘refurbished technology’ means, purchasing restored devices can feel a little like navigating a minefield. This confusion, poor experiences or deep-rooted misconceptions...
Can Data Centres Ever Be Green?

Can Data Centres Ever Be Green?

With colossal energy consumption and emissions generated, the world’s data centres have faced heavy criticism for some time due to their environmental impact. Many still rely on non-renewable forms of power, waste staggering quantities of water annually within the...