EOL IT Services has now merged with tier1 Asset Management Ltd
Break the Cycle.
Ground-breaking Prison Workshop Programme.
tier1 have been driving social impact since 2011 with an innovative recycling project, originally at HMP Forest Bank and now at HMP Hindley.
Around half of all crime committed is by people who have already been through the criminal justice system. The cost of reoffending to the taxpayer is estimated to be as much as £18bn per annum.
All end-of-life IT needs to be disposed of efficiently securely and ethically.
We do more than merely recycle IT, we can change lives.
The cycle of crime:

tier1 as a market leading IT lifecycle services business, can change lives, with IT Asset Disposal.
The journey.
All devices are data wiped, tested and refurbished and many are redeployed into education, government offices, healthcare organisations and small to enterprise businesses.
A percentage of devices that cannot be reused are sent to our workshop at HMP Hindley. Each workshop participant is provided with valuable training, helped to develop a work ethic and a purpose.
Devices are broken down into components and precious metals which are reused and or sold on for reuse to fund the ongoing programme.
tier1 work with Antz Junction our charity partner to deliver a 6week through the gate programme. Antz Junction can help support and empower and develops individuals opening doors of opportunity with a network of likeminded businesses who want to help provide work opportunities and support.
The programme objectives are.
1. To ensure prison leavers have the right support to integrate back into society.
2. Reduce the rates of reoffending, breaking the cycle.
3.Ensure that everyone can make a genuine contribution to society.
Support is provided pre and post release and includes employability skills, health and wellbeing, housing, employment advocacy, digital connectivity and training, 1-2-1 support.
members were found employment.
are still being supported.
reoffending rate – it works!
members agreed completion and no longer need Antz Junction support.
£3.6m societal savings since 2013 with over
hours of support and training supplied by Antz Junction.
estimated social value impact based on GMCA cost-based analysis.
£3.6m societal savings since 2013 with over
hours of support and training supplied by Antz Junction.

Reduce. Reuse. Redeploy. Recycle
Circular Approach to Sustainability
We ensure that the Lifecycle Services we provide are sustainable and circular in approach, and actively promote the reuse of all equipment where possible. We work closely with our clients to improve awareness of environmentally favourable solutions, ensuring recycling is the last option considered and making a real contribution to your ESG goals.
Reduce. Reuse. Redeploy. Recycle
Circular Approach to Sustainability

We ensure that the Lifecycle Services we provide are sustainable and circular in approach, and actively promote the reuse of all equipment where possible. We work closely with our clients to improve awareness of environmentally favourable solutions, ensuring recycling is the last option considered and making a real contribution to your ESG goals.